On Wed, 12 Oct 2005 11:21:08 -0400
Dave Nebinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 12 October 2005 01:54 pm, Alexey Asprov wrote:
> > Hi list again..
> Hello Alexey.  Just a quick FYI: Your timezone does not appear to be set 
> correctly; I can tell because your sent time is in the future ;-)

Hello Dave. Why this can be so important? Yes, I set my local timezone
to GMT. If it won't harm the system, who cares? Or, does it harm? 
And yes, I am in st.Petersburg (Russia), but I coudn't find any
relevant timesone when I've installed Gentoo for the (3)rd time
and thoght this would be fine. Does this interfere with my using
and compiling the system?
> > I will attempt to bootstrap with following USE flags for the NPTL.
> > I will not be using Gnome or KDE. I'd appreciate peoples opinion
> > about them and welcome their examples of USE flags ( real working
> > experiences) for bootstraping. This will be done for Pentium3
> > machine, if this matters.
> Hmm, well I can't tell you what to predict in regards to the list of flags 
> that you generated.  The list is all over the place in regards to media and 
> web flags, yet the -kde and -gnome will hogtie most of the resulting 
> packages.

I have only found exaple with "working" ( as athour claims) USE flags for
"working"bootstraping . If you feel that some packages will hogtie, please
advice on what USE flags have to be removed ( or added).
> Use emerge --pretend to see what kind of results you'll actually get.

Not sure what do you mean by that. Emerge -pv just estimating what packages
have to be emerged.

> > Another question I'd like to ask if I need to include my CPU flags
> In /etc/make.conf you define your CFLAGS to match your cpu.  In your case 
> (which is just like mine) the following should suffice:
> CFLAGS="-O2 -march=pentium3 -pipe -mcpu=i686 -fomit-frame-pointer"

I was asking about USE variable "USE=", not about CFLAGS.. ( those will
come up later).., and from various sources, they have to be ( for instance)
-mmmx, msse, etc.. But do I have to include thoe flags to my USE variable?
( like mmx, sse, etc).
> You might want to add the USE options for the supported mmx, mtrr, etc.  but 
> I 
> honestly can't tell you what effects they actually have on the builds.

Thanks for your response, but probably some one added to USE flags in make.conf?
And how did it go in bootstrapping? Also, to rephrase my original question
do I have include all of them or only mmx, sse, mtrr as Dave suggested?

Thanks. Alex.
> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
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