Ralph Seichter wrote:
> On 07.09.2017 15:20, Danny YUE wrote:
>> Well, I know it is not the perfect place but I don't want to spam my
>> inbox with Firefox topics, so that's why I don't subscribe that mail
>> list and am asking here. ;-)
> And you believe that spamming the inbox people interested in Gentoo
> (that's why we subscribed to this mailing list) is OK ? ;-) Seriously,
> this is completely off-topic here, so please use the appropriate mailing
> lists instead. Thanks.
> -Ralph

If he's using or planning to use Firefox on Gentoo, that is on topic. 
It is certainly not completely off-topic. 

I might add, using your logic, if a person has a question about the use
of or changes to any software, they should ask on the mailing list for
that software and not here on Gentoo lists.  The only topic that would
be on-topic would be questions about emerge/portage/openrc/and friends
since they are the only things that are Gentoo and doesn't come from
somewhere else.  A large portion of the software that people ask about,
including Firefox, comes from somewhere besides Gentoo.  Also, I've been
known to ask questions about M$ OSs before.  People here that use and
have a answer, they help where they can. 

Just my $0.02 worth.


:-)  :-) 

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