On 15/10/2017 16:31, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
> On 10/14/2017 09:30 PM, Dale wrote:
>> While at it.  Is there a tool that tells when USE flags in make.conf is
>> either no longer used or doesn't even exist anymore? 
> I don't know of one. It doesn't *sound* hard, but you would have to
> consider local use flags, flags from overlays, USE_EXPAND flags,
> wildcards, USE_ORDER, etc. -- so maybe it's actually hard/slow to do it.
> I found this feature request,
>   https://github.com/vaeth/eix/issues/38
> and I guess that confirms that it's harder than it looks. Checking for
> nonexistent flags would be easier than checking for redundant flags
> because the latter depends on your package manager configuration.

There is a suitable tool. It's called grep, copious use of.
A suitably complex solution for the complexity of the problem!

Alan McKinnon

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