
On Sun, 03 Dec 2017, ckard wrote:
>On Sun, Dec 3, 2017 at 8:06 PM, <tu...@posteo.de> wrote:
>> is there any way to check, whether a compilated binary is using
>> the position-independant-code feature or is still build according
>> to old standards?
>You can use app-admin/checksec to see if different security features are
>enabled or not.

Nice. For this special use-case (what has been rebuilt with PIE and
what not), I've extracted a (faster) variant from checksec, though
it's unclear to me how to discern libs built with PIE and without[1]. 
I guess the linker'll tell me.

==== ~/bin/check-pie ====
for arg; do
    re=$(readelf -h "$arg" 2>/dev/null)
    if printf '%s' -- "$re" | grep -q 'Type:[[:space:]]*EXEC'; then
        pie="no pie"
    elif printf '%s' -- "$re" | grep -q 'Type:[[:space:]]*DYN'; then
        pie=$(readelf -d "$arg" | awk -F':' '
              $1 ~ /\(FLAGS.*Flags$/ && $2 ~ / PIE/ { print "PIE"; }
              $1 ~ /\(SONAME/ { print "DSO"; }')
        printf "Not an executable: %s\n" "$arg" >&2
    printf "%s\t%s\n" "$arg" "$pie"

USAGE is check-pie FILE[S...]


# check-pie /usr/bin/* 2>/dev/null | \
    awk '/PIE/{PIE++;}
         /no pie/{nopie++};
         END{ printf("PIE: %i, no PIE:%i\n", PIE, nopie); }'


[1] I've built a lib of my own both with -fpie/-fno-pie and compared
    readelf -a outputs, and there's not difference besides offsets.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
                                                 -- Arthur C. Clarke

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