On 06/12/17 15:34, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> Those guidelines you mention about what /tmp and /var/tmp are "for" are
> probably from the FHS. On the whole, I tend to agree they are good ideas
> but the proper wording is more like this (from memory, being far too
> lazy after a day's work to actually look something up):
> - contents of /tmp are not expected to survive the invocation of the
> program that created them


> - contents of /var/tmp are not expected to survive a reboot

> Which is different from what you said.

Except that /var/tmp is exactly the opposite of what you said :-)

 Not surprisingly, if you follow
> that through, you can run rm -rf /tmp/* in a cron every minute and
> nothing should ever break. Or, every file in /tmp can be anonymous (just
> an inode without a dentry giving it a name)


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