Rumen Yotov wrote:

>On Fri, 2005-10-14 at 19:09 -0400, C. Beamer wrote:
>>I've had Gentoo installed on my main computer for about a month now and
>>want to update world.
>>When I did 'emerge --pretend --update --deep world'  I got told that a
>>package that I had installed was blocking another package.  I want to
>>update but omit the blocked package from the update, which incidentally
>>is not installed on my system.
>Think it mostly depends on which is the package in question.
>Seen three types of package blocking:
>1.a new version blocking the old version of the same package - remove it
>then add again;
>2.A new package wants to install but there is another package serving
>the same role, e.g mail-server: qmail, postfix, exim all provide -
>virtual/mta (IIRC), so only one could get installed;
>3.Think it's your case. Some other package (which is installed) has a
>*new* dependency on another one (not installed), which provides the same
>'virtual/...' as third one (installed).
>This could happen when using -D/--deep flag - try without it to check
>and use -t/-tree option to see the deps. But it depends on the package
>in question & friends.
I went to the painstaking effort of updating each package on my system
that required updating individually and am left with this, which is the
result of 'emerge --pretend --update --deep world':

Calculating world dependencies ...done!
[blocks B     ] <mail-client/pine-4.64-r1 (is blocking
[ebuild  N    ] net-mail/uw-mailutils-2004g
[ebuild     U ] mail-client/pine-4.64-r1 [4.63-r2]

>From this, I assume that the installed package, Pine, is blocking the
package nw-mail-utils-2004g, which is *not* installed.  So, how do I
prevent uw-mailutils-2004g from being installed so I can update Pine?


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