Peter Humphrey wrote:
> On Saturday, 6 January 2018 13:30:30 GMT Dale wrote:
>> I'm not sure that LastPass works with Palemoon so even if it does, another
>> problem pops up.
> Nope, it doesn't. At least, not the last time I tried it just a few months 
> ago.

I like LastPass but I even tried to find a password tool to replace it. 
I checked as a addon but also for something in portage.  I couldn't find
anything that I know will do what LastPass does.  One thing I like about
it, I can go to my neighbors and access all the accounts of sites I use
just like I'm sitting here at home on my puter.  When I'm on a website
that requires a login, I just click for it to login, and which ID if
needed, and it does its thing. 

So, I can't seem to replace the email part of Seamonkey, can't replace
LastPass and am stuck with something not working right no matter what I
do.  Jeez.  We went to the moon decades ago, build buildings that reach
the clouds, build huge airplanes and all sorts of other advanced stuff
but I can't get Thunderbird to open a link in a running instance of
Firefox as a new tab.  ROFL 


:-)  :-) 

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