Dear Everyone,

With some friends and colleagues, I implemented an alternative dependency 
solver for portage (as discussed here: and ).
We need your help to test it and possibly improve in the long run the already 
great portage toolset.

You can help us in two ways:
 - you can send us the zip generated by this bash script:
   This bash script extracts your world file, the USE flags and keywords 
configuration of your system and the list of installed packages you have (it 
should not take more than few seconds).
   With this, we will see if our solver is able to recreate your system and how 
much time it takes.

 - you can propose installation challenges, i.e., sets of packages to install.
   With this, we will compare the answer and the response time between emerge 
and our solver.

You can send everything to my professional email:

Thank you!
Michael Lienhardt

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