So I just "upgraded" to profile 17.0 on on 32-bit Gentoo.  By sheer
co-incidence "time emerge -e world" did 541 packages, and took...

real    541m40.408s
user    607m12.164s
sys     216m2.437s

  Anyhow, both the current x11-wm/icewm-1.4.2 and x11-wm/icewm-1.4.0
crash back to the text console when I click the mouse pointer on the
menu bar at the bottom.  I've dropped back to x11-wm/icewm-1.3.12, which
works OK.  As a precaution, I've copied the ebuild into a local overlay.
Nothing relevant on bugzilla.  Any ideas?

Walter Dnes <>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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