Installing gentoo-17 as guest in Vbox vm on solaris-11 HOST 
                           (openindiana (powered by Illumos))

VBox 5.6.2

I'm a litte confused about how to enable a high res framebuffer

At gentoo pages:

I've followed the directions there as far as I could.

lspci on a chroot does not show a driver for the:
  Innotek Systemberatung Gmbh VirtualBox Graphics Adapter.

And I find nothing about Innotek searching with '/' in menuconfig.
So could not make any specific settings like those shows on the gentoo
wiki pages for nVidia and AND/ATI

Other pages such as seem to
indicate I would need to create an initramfs.

The first page cited near the top of post .. tells you NOT to set some
of the things the citation containing fbsplash (above) tell you to set.

Such as  <*> Userspace VESA VGA
         [*] Vesa VGA

Is something outdate in one of those pages?

Can someone using the kernel framebuffer explain how to do it on
gentoo guest of vm?

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