Grant Edwards wrote:
> Is there any way for me to "blacklist" a pool rsync server so that
> emerge --sync won't try to use it?
> I'm using the sync-url rsync://, but
> one of the pool's servers is barely usable for me.  I don't know if
> it's a server problem or if traffic between my and that server is
> routed through a Mars orbiter.  When any other server is chosen, the
> file list scrolls by faster than you can read it.  Via the Mars
> orbibiter the list ticks by about one file every 5-10 seconds.  It
> will usually finish (eventually), but sometimes hangs and times out.
> It's been like for at least a year or two.
> [FWIW, I'm uable to ping the server, and tracroute is unable to produce
> a route to it.  However, I can telnet to the rsync port on that host
> and it connects.]
> When I see that server has been selected, I usually just hit Ctrl-C
> and try again.
> Is there any way to configure portage to not use that server?

Is it possible to add it to your hosts file and point it to local IP? 
Obviously, if it is a numbered IP then this likely won't work. 


:-)  :-) 

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