Hey, what should I do next to try to resolve this, I am pretty sure it's
an install issue on my mono, haven't really tried to use it like this in

As below, the "test install" tool tells me it's broken but doesn't give
me any clue as to the next step. =(

atg@tortoise ~/test/kerbal/DMP_SERVER/Soviet $ mono DMPServer.exe

Unhandled Exception:
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for
'System.Console' threw an exception. --->
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for
'System.ConsoleDriver' threw an exception. ---> System.Exception: Magic
number is wrong: 542
  at System.TermInfoReader.ReadHeader (System.Byte[] buffer,
System.Int32& position) [0x00028] in <ae60a710a4744d16826a514602b7b8ed>:0
  at System.TermInfoReader..ctor (System.String term, System.String
filename) [0x0005f] in <ae60a710a4744d16826a514602b7b8ed>:0
  at System.TermInfoDriver..ctor (System.String term) [0x00055] in
  at System.ConsoleDriver.CreateTermInfoDriver (System.String term)
[0x00000] in <ae60a710a4744d16826a514602b7b8ed>:0
  at System.ConsoleDriver..cctor () [0x0004d] in
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at System.Console.SetupStreams (System.Text.Encoding inputEncoding,
System.Text.Encoding outputEncoding) [0x00007] in
  at System.Console..cctor () [0x0008e] in
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at DarkMultiPlayerServer.DarkLog.Fatal (System.String message)
[0x00000] in <14a0c0e70def4065931f8240b7201327>:0
  at DarkMultiPlayerServer.Server.Main () [0x0066e] in
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.TypeInitializationException:
The type initializer for 'System.Console' threw an exception. --->
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for
'System.ConsoleDriver' threw an exception. ---> System.Exception: Magic
number is wrong: 542
  at System.TermInfoReader.ReadHeader (System.Byte[] buffer,
System.Int32& position) [0x00028] in <ae60a710a4744d16826a514602b7b8ed>:0
  at System.TermInfoReader..ctor (System.String term, System.String
filename) [0x0005f] in <ae60a710a4744d16826a514602b7b8ed>:0
  at System.TermInfoDriver..ctor (System.String term) [0x00055] in
  at System.ConsoleDriver.CreateTermInfoDriver (System.String term)
[0x00000] in <ae60a710a4744d16826a514602b7b8ed>:0
  at System.ConsoleDriver..cctor () [0x0004d] in
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at System.Console.SetupStreams (System.Text.Encoding inputEncoding,
System.Text.Encoding outputEncoding) [0x00007] in
  at System.Console..cctor () [0x0008e] in
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at DarkMultiPlayerServer.DarkLog.Fatal (System.String message)
[0x00000] in <14a0c0e70def4065931f8240b7201327>:0
  at DarkMultiPlayerServer.Server.Main () [0x0066e] in
atg@tortoise ~/test/kerbal/DMP_SERVER/Soviet $ mono-
mono-api-html              mono-cil-strip            
mono-find-requires         mono-package-runtime      
mono-sgen                  mono-test-install
mono-api-info              mono-configuration-crypto 
mono-fpm                   mono-service              
mono-shlib-cop             mono-xmltool
mono-boehm                 mono-find-provides        
mono-heapviz               mono-service2             

atg@tortoise ~/test/kerbal/DMP_SERVER/Soviet $ mono-test-install
Active Mono: /usr/bin/mono

Failed to compile sample System.Drawing program, your installation is broken

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