Am Dienstag, 6. März 2018, 12:45:52 CET schrieb Peter Humphrey:
> Does anyone know the update plan for KDE? I'd like to add my gmail account
> to KMail, but I can't because of this bug:

As this is part of KDE applications it's scheduled for "Thursday, April 19, 
2018: KDE Applications 18.04 Release", see

You can find all schedules at

> To get the fix I need kde-apps/libkgapi-17.12.2, but it's keyworded at the
> moment. It looks as though I'd have to upgrade the whole of qt to ~amd64 to
> get it today, and maybe much more than that, but that would be a whole lot
> of work and result in a messy system.

While it's not recommended nor officially supported I know of many people 
doing this. Especially mixing ~amd64 desktop packages with a stable base 
system shouldn't cause much trouble.

I personally run a whole ~amd64 system and just stabilised some toolchain 
packages (glibc). However, I have no problem if something breaks, as this 
usually happens at compile time..

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Nils Freydank

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