Okay, with all that advice, I gave it another try. I'm also setting up
a VirtualBox for my WFH stuff and VB wants to use for its
networking. I've changed this to so now I can easily tell
that network from work network (which seems to use

I wanted to add a route to NetworkManager's VPN connection. It wants
Address, Network, Gateway, and Metric so I gave it "",
"" (this one shows up automatically), "207.x.y.z", "1". But
then VPN fails to start with the complaint that the configuration is

So I tried what I think is the same on the CL:

$> route add -net gw "207.x.y.z" metric 1
SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable

So apparently, it's not quite as straightforward as I thought it might be. :-)

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