I have noticed a laptop using metalog as its logging system (so I don't have 
to run logrotate on its logs to clear out old files) at least once a day 
activates its wireless card and its bluetooth card and what looks like an OEM 
back up button on its keyboard.  Then the bluetooth starts flashing as if it 
is searching for something to connect to, followed by the wireless.  Looking 
at top, ps, lsof and netstat I have not managed to find out what is running to 
cause this behaviour.  All I've come up with is anacron:

 4735 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/anacron -s
 5867 ?        SN     0:00  \_ run-parts /etc/cron.daily
 5919 ?        SN     0:00      \_ /bin/sh /etc/cron.daily/mlocate
 5926 ?        DN     0:00          \_ /usr/bin/updatedb -f

I've hardly used metalog over the years, but I don't think metalog is using 
anacron to rotate its log files - I haven't found anything in /etc/cron.* to 
indicate this is so.

Any idea what might be causing this?

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