On 28.06.18 00:16, John Covici wrote:

> after doing a world update, there are still packages which apparently
> need both 3.4 and 3.5, so I cannot remove them.

That sounds like you might still have some packages where the use flags
python_targets_python3_4 and/or python_targets_python3_5 are active. Vim
comes to my mind as an example:

  # equery u app-editors/vim
  [ Legend : U - final flag setting for installation]
  [        : I - package is installed with flag     ]
  [ Colors : set, unset                             ]
   * Found these USE flags for app-editors/vim-8.0.1298:
   U I
   ( ... )
   - - perl                           : Add optional support/bindings for the 
Perl language
   - - python                         : Add optional support/bindings for the 
Python language
   - - python_single_target_python2_7 : Build for Python 2.7 only
   - - python_single_target_python3_4 : Build for Python 3.4 only
   - - python_single_target_python3_5 : Build for Python 3.5 only
   + + python_single_target_python3_6 : Build for Python 3.6 only
   + + python_targets_python2_7       : Build with Python 2.7
   - - python_targets_python3_4       : Build with Python 3.4
   - - python_targets_python3_5       : Build with Python 3.5
   + + python_targets_python3_6       : Build with Python 3.6
   - - racket                         : Enable support for Scheme using 
   ( ... )

As you can see, vim was built with support for Python 2.7 and 3.6, but
neither 3.4 nor 3.5. Which is the way I want it.


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