On Tue, Jul 03, 2018 at 07:27:35AM -0400, Philip Webb wrote:
> 180703 Alec Ten Harmsel wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 03, 2018 at 05:47:22AM -0400, Philip Webb wrote:
> >> I have a couple of small files which need to be encrypted :
> >> one is simple text ( .txt ), the other a spreadsheet ( .ods ).
> >> I haven't used encryption like this before : what do others use ?
> > I have used `gpg' to do this before:
> >     # Encrypt with a passphrase
> >     gpg -c <file>
> >     # Decrypt
> >     gpg -d <file>.gpg
> > I do have some files I keep encrypted locally
> > that I use `gpg' to encrypt/decrypt, but with my personal key pair.
> > For that, I use a vim plugin [1] that transparently decrypts to `/tmp',
> > lets me edit and then saves back to the original file.
> > This prevents the decrypted contents from ever being on my hard drive,
> > as I have `/tmp' mounted as tmpfs.
> Thanks, that's very helpful except that you forgot to append [1] (smile).

Ouch. I meant to link to https://github.com/jamessan/vim-gnupg.

> I don't need to encrypt the files locally,
> but do need to when I create copies to up-load as off-site back-ups.

Someone else mentioned duplicity, which I've used in the past. It's
built to do encrypted backups to S3/Dropbox/scp.


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