Dave Oxley wrote:

I have just downgraded udev to 068-r1 and my server now boots again. I'm about to do the same with my other Gentoo machine. The only thing the 2 machines have in common is that they both have SATA drives, so I wonder if this is causing the new udev a problem.


Dave Oxley wrote:

I have just run 'emerge --update --deep --newuse world' on 2 of my Gentoo machines as I do every few days. This upgraded my udev from 068-r1 to 070. Neither machine will now boot. I've been investigating why on my server as it is most important that I get this machine up and running ASAP.
During boot I get the following error:
/sbin/rc: line 93:  1062 Segmentation fault      /sbin/udevstart
Then when it gets to checking root filesystem it reports /dev/sda3 is missing and drops me to a filesystem repair console.

Please can someone help. I urgently need to get this machine back up and running.


I'm running dual SATA Raptors with udev 70, kernel 2.6.12-r10. Just did a reboot to confirm that
I could.  So it is possible.

Any info in dmesg?  How far in the boot process do you get?


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