> Since then, I've updated my kernel & some other pkgs.

You build your own kernel or rely on modules to handle it all?

Any idea what modules you've rebuilt since the last use of the

As a sanity check you might want to take a look at VueScan. Hamerick
does a nice to of just making things work. Might give some better
error messages -- it's also a nice package, worth a few bucks to 
have something that Just Works and also helps support someone who
actually releases software for Linux.

Depending on which syslogger you use, create /var/log/debug with 
debug-level output (no idea how to do this with systemd), zero the
log, and tail -f it while you plug in the scanner, try to use it.

I normally keep /var/log/messages w/ *.info, auth.none and have
logrotate switch it out frequently (daily) at 1MiB. You only need it
once to make it worth the disk space :-)


    ( strace sane <what you expect to work ) >
    /var/tmp/sane.strace.out 2>&1;

and see what it's trying to open when it fails to get the file. It
might not be the device itself that is botching the process but a 
secondary file that got stepped on.


    find /etc -name '._cfg*';

any of them affect scanning, dbus, usb (anything else that might
be used by sane)?

Steven Lembark                                       1505 National Ave
Workhorse Computing                                 Rockford, IL 61103
lemb...@wrkhors.com                                    +1 888 359 3508

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