Martin Vaeth <> writes:

> So "normally" the correct solution would be to clean up /usr/local/.
> Of course, if you intentionally installed something there, this
> might be wrong. But your problem is very likely caused by this.
This was indeed the cause, thank you.

Further comments made for the
reference, in case someone has the same issue.

>>> cc1: fatal error: /usr/local/include/stdc-predef.h: Permission denied
> It seems that you have this file but that it is not readable
> by user/group portage:portage.
There is no such file. I posted the relevant ls output in the original

> The main question is: Why do you have something in /usr/local/ at all?
> If you did not install anything outside of portage, this directory
> should be empty (up to some perhaps empty directories).
Indeed, I did install something outside of portage. Found no appropriate
ebuilds (ebuild repositories included); instead of writing my own,
just followed the procedure as described upstream. This was likely a bad idea.

Gentoo keeps /usr/local in the list of paths for gcc. If /usr/local is
missing something crucial, gcc becomes broken, I guess. In my case, I
removed directories and symlinks
that were all created at the time of outside-portage installation. GCC
works fine now.

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