August 16, 2018 8:07 AM, "Andrew Udvare" <> wrote:

> gcruft seems to have died off (
> only returns ebuild results). I was using it quite a lot and wrote many
> exception files. It's gone now with no way for my or anyone else's
> ebuild to get the original source. I did preserve it though, here:
> I wrote a replacement in C named gcrud. It only needs GLib2 installed to
> work. It's much faster than gcruft ever was. The code is here:
> I am placing preference in GitLab for issues and merge requests, but I
> will accept PRs from GitHub.
> The whitelist is
> currently hard-coded and limited but the results are satisfactory for
> now in my use cases.
> Type use case:
> sudo ./gcrud | sort -u > out.log
> Examine out.log for things you can delete. There are absolutely zero
> calls to delete files from the machine in my code and never will be any
> kind of automation support.
> If anyone tries it out I certainly would like to see your output and get
> some bug reports or suggestions. The main feature planned is reading
> from a configuration file for exact file paths and regexs.
> --
> Andrew


So I tested it, and I was surprised how many /etc files weren't put into 
Actually, most of /etc shouldn't be suggested for deletion if the packages are 
still installed.

Portage stuff like repositories could be whitelisted in a dynamic manner, or at 
least bing able to
tell what directorie(s) are used to store them.

I also caught some wrongly listed files because of the multilib system with 
/lib symlink.
For example, dhcpcd declared /lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-hooks, thus the realpath 
was listed in the removal suggestion. This should be fixed with profile 17.1

The log is so huge at the moment it is useless for me :/

% wc -l out.log
461575 out.log

Corentin “Nado” Pazdera

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