On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 11:34:34PM +0100, Mick wrote

> Run 'usbdevices' on the other distro to see what driver it uses,
> or perhaps diff the two kernel configs in case you missed something.

  Thanks.  That got me going on the right track.  I eventually traced it
down to "Device Drivers ==> Input device support" in "make menuconfig".
There are 2 entries to select for mice; "Mouse interface" and "Mice".
The original defaults had "Mice" selected, but not "Mouse interface".
Mind you, they had "Support for memoryless force-feedback devices" and
"Touchscreens" selected; go figure.  Selecting "Mouse interface" and
rebuilding the kernel solved my problem.

  Next... has anyone gotten icewm-1.4.2 to not crash? I simply cannot
get it to run on any of 4 Gentoo machines.  I've given up and migrated
one over to Fluxbox.  The others are being held back at 1.3.2 and
package-masking newer ICEWM ebuilds.  If nothing pops up soon, I'll have
to move them over to Fluxbox.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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