Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Aug 2018 06:01:18 +0100, Klaus Ethgen wrote:
>> The question should be if and why to use /boot at all on modern systems.
>> Grub is able to boot from various system combinations. btrfs, lvm,
>> mdraid, even encrypted disks (however, in the last case, it is not that
>> trivial to install grub).
> The other question is why use GRUB on a modern system? UEFI boot managers
> are far simpler to work with than GRUBs monster configuration file and in
> that case it makes sense to combine /boot with the ESP and use VFAT for
> it.
> As for the original question, AIUI ext2 was recommended more because there
> was no need for ext3/4 and journalling on such a small filesystem, rather
> than there being any compelling reason for not using ext4, so use what
> you want.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, it used to be that grub, the original
version not the current bloated one, had to have ext2.  At the time,
that was *the* file system.  If I recall correctly, a ext4 file system
can be *read* the same as ext2.  The difference is the journal.  So,
when booting, grub etc is only reading /boot and it shouldn't matter if
it is ext2, ext3 or ext4.  It's only when being written to that it
matters.  Am I recalling that right? 

Another one of those times where Linux provides a ton of options.  :/


:-)  :-) 

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