On 23/08/18 11:25, Adam Carter wrote:
    The machine is actually a server, which just sat in a corner doing its
    job perfectly. That's one of the reasons it wasn't updated: if it ain't
    broken, don't fix it.

Any system that is not getting software updates is broken to some degree, just in a subtle way.

Trimming your /var/lib/portage/world file and removing the trimmed packages can make the update less painful. I sometimes remove non-system packages I want, then reinstall again later to get through difficult upgrades.

Bit late to the party, but yes this is normally my approach.

If emerge lists a bunch of packages it thinks it can build, I explicitly just update them (on several occasions that has "miraculously" cleared the conflicts and the next global emerge just roars away).

I wish there was a portage option that said "don't give up, just emerge what you can".

If there are conflicts on something that doesn't appear crucial to the system, I just "emerge -C" it, and make a note to put it back later.

My current home system is like this one, well out of date, but I'm planning to replace not fix it, because it's a multi-user system and *relies* on kdm which has, iirc, been deprecated and is not in kde5. Upgrading that is a task I do NOT fancy ... :-)


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