Am 11.09.18 um 12:54 schrieb Mick:

Probably because you need a later version of gcc to compile the newer kernel

I already installed gcc-6.4.0 and 7.3.0 some times ago. These should be modern enough?


in my kernel ;-)

Have you tried to enable these in the current kernel version and while running
with the same gcc configuration?

Yes, yesterday that failed as well.
But I was able to compile 4.9.95 with the ext4 flags after a "make localmodconfig". Maybe this intermediary step does not "break" lpfc behavior.

A reboot test will happen on friday or so.


1. Update your system:

  emerge -uaNDv system

Assuming there are no major blockers which you will need to resolve one at a
time, update your profile, switch your gcc to a newer version and continue
with building a newer kernel.

2. Copy the current kernel's .config file to the latest stable.  Change the /
usr/src/linux/ symlink to point to the latest linux kernel source.  Run 'make
oldconfig' and go through all the changes as required.  Then 'make clean, &&
make && make modules_install' and copy over the bzImage, .config and System
files of the new kernel to /boot.  Leave the old files in /boot intact.
Update grub config and reboot.

3. Assuming all went fine, update your @world.

WARNING:  I would NOT try anything like this on a production system, but use a
cloned fs to do all this work offline.  Once I get something booting
successfully I would then copy over binary packages and update the production
system with them.


There have been many changes with gcc and gentoo profiles since kernel-4.1.15-
gentoo-r1.  This is why I would recommend you reinstall using a stage 3 for an
easier life.  Keep your /etc, kernel .config and /var/lib/portage/world files
from the existing installation, so you have minimal configuration changes to
perform, following reinstallation.  Also keep the old kernel image in /boot in
case you struggle getting a newer kernel to boot immediately.

Thanks for your suggestions, I will consider preparing a new stage3-based VM somewhere.

I went through @world-updates some months ago when I started maintaining that server.

Most of the system is updated already but you are right, there are always hidden issues ... and I should keep downtime and effort/costs low --- as always

As soon as I can update that IPMI module it gets easier to test things ;-)

thanks, Stefan

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