On 12/20/18 6:28 AM, (Nuno Silva) wrote:

Well the Gentoo Wiki https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Submitting_ebuilds
suggested that new ebuilds should be submitted via Bugzilla.

Could you please tell me if it is still the recommended way?
If not, IMHO it is better to change Wiki as well to prevent further

I would like to ask again for a clarification about this. Last month, I
asked if there was some rule against using bugzilla, but there were no

BugZilla is right place. If you open a PR on Github, you'll get an automated message telling you to open an associated bug on BugZilla. If Github ever goes away, all of the PR history it contains will be lost forever.

Since Github is proprietary, forcing people to use it is against our social contract, and many developers completely ignore everything you post there.

On the other hand, casually reading the contents of a PR is easier on Github than with patches on BugZilla. For best results, do both.

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