On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 2:59 PM Grant Taylor
<gtay...@gentoo.tnetconsulting.net> wrote:
> On 01/29/2019 12:47 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> > It couldn't.  Hence the reason I said, "obviously it needs whatever
> > drivers it needs, but I don't see why it would care if they are built
> > -in-kernel vs in-module."
> You are missing what I'm saying.
> Even the kernel the initramfs uses MUST have support for the file
> systems and devices that the initramfs uses.  You can't load the module
> if you can't get to where the module is or have a place to write it to
> load it.

Obviously.  Hence the reason I said that it shouldn't matter if the
module is built in-kernel.

If your root is on ext4 then the kernel needs an ext4 driver. That
could be built-in, or in a module present in an initramfs, and an
intramfs could support either.  Dracut definitely supports either
config.  Dracut can mount btrfs just fine if btrfs is built in-kernel
and not as a module.

I'm not sure why it seems like we're talking past each other here...

Now, it might not support a kernel that doesn't support module loading
at all, though I'm not sure why not.  If it doesn't I could see why
the developers wouldn't be bothered to address the use case.


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