On 31/03/19 02:12, Tamer Higazi wrote:
> Can somebody of you give me a good starting point ?
> I think it has something todo with systemrescuecd which I would prepare
> on a USB stick and ... ... ...
Well, ...

Personally I'd leave Windows on the slow disk to discourage you from
using it ... :-)

Are you trying to replace a 2.5TB hard drive with a 2TB SSD? You can't
fit a quart into a pint pot!

Anyways, recreate the partitions on the SSD, then copy them using dd.
Assuming your SSD is the new sda and your old drive is sdb,

dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/dev/sda1

MAKE SURE you get the drives right, or you'll trash the system! Make
sure also that the new partitions are the same size or larger than the
partitions you're going to replace.

Then live-boot into the new drive, and re-install EFI or whatever it is
you do to boot off that.

I'm planning to migrate my system soon, but I'm going to do that a bit
differently. I'll dd my home partition across (I've got hard-links
galore, so a cp or rsync or whatever will have massive conniptions).

Then I'll re-install gentoo, re-emerge all my programs, and re-create
etc/passwd and all the other configuration stuff - I haven't really
messed about with most of my config, so that isn't a problem.


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