On Thu, 30 May 2019 00:37:14 +0200, n952...@web.de wrote:

> The next section of the response to my attempt to update portage is a
> long list of packages, each terminated with a "(masked by: something or
> other)".
> What does that tell me.  If it's masked, it shouldn't be available,
> right?  But, I've got it:
> - virtual/perl-parent-0.234.0-r1::gentoo (masked by: package.mask)
> ls virtual/perl-parent/perl-parent-0.234.0-r1.ebuild
> virtual/perl-parent/perl-parent-0.234.0-r1.ebuild
> Can I get rid of it?  Is perl-parent always masked?

grep perl-parent -r /etc/portage

will tell you whether one of your config files is masking it.

Since you have already admitted not updating config files for quite a
while, I would tackle that task first, it may remove some of your other
problems. You should read up on this in the Handbook

Neil Bothwick

Guns don't kill people--it's those little pieces of lead.

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