On Thu, 30 May 2019 08:20:49 -0400, Rich Freeman wrote:

> > There's also cfg-update and there may be more tools to manage changes
> > in config files following an update.
> >
> > The merge function is particularly useful, because you can see where
> > your edits are/not affected by any changes to the new config defaults
> > and reject/ accept one change at a time.  
> Yeah, I couldn't live without cfg-update, especially with the
> auto-merging of changes.  The one caveat is that it isn't the
> best-maintained piece of software out there.  I'm mostly nursing it
> along.

conf-update works best for me. It also can use colordiff to highlight
changes and can be configured to auto-merge trivial changes.

Neil Bothwick

I believe the technical term is "Oops!"

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