
I'm running a pretty old PC. A Core2Duo E8400 and a GT730 nvidia card.

Now, this is ok for what I need: work (emacs and bunch of terminals) and some little Kerbal Space Program.

I'm thinking of upgrading some time in the next months to a 3600 AMD Ryzen when they are available, but in the mean time, I was also thinking about changing to an AMD gpu too.

The nvidia driver although ok, is giving me some trouble mostly when suspending to ram. Sometimes it wont work, and the culprit from dmesg is likely the nvidia blob.

So, assuming I would get an RX550/560 card, how well do the amdgpu drivers (open source) work? Are they ok for steam games? Do they provide KMS (switching to a Ctrl+Alt+F1 is always garbled now). ? Are they completely tear free?

Plus, my current GT730 is passively cooled. Are there any RX cards that at least spin down the fans when I'm working on desktop (no plasma/gnome, simple Openbox with no heavy gpu requirements). I really like silence! :-)


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