On Wed, 19 Jun 2019 22:51:15 -0500, Dale wrote:

> > When I /am/ ready to upgrade to a newer Minor version, I will just
> > update my /etc/portage/package.mask/gentoo-sources file.

> I admit, it seems to be a cleaner way of doing it than what I'm doing. 
> I may even give that a try but for me, I rarely update.  I know,
> security fixes.  Heck, if I update every day, there would still be some
> security problem with the kernel.  I may even end up with one that is
> worse than a older version.  Plus, I keep my system so busy, I just
> don't have the time to reboot that much. 

It's exactly how I do it. I have some hardware that won't run on anything
later than the 4.9 series, so I simply mask everything newer. It seems
the cleanest and simplest way of doing it.

Neil Bothwick

C: (n.) the language following A and B. The world still awaits D and
   E. By Z, it may be acceptable for general use.

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