My skylake (i3-6100U) system drops frames when watching x265 movies (in mpv
and kodi), with all cores at 100% CPU. I've re-run through and tried changing from the intel driver
to modsetting, and it appears to use less CPU for x264 at least. Still
maxed out for x265 so I cant tell if there's a difference for that.

I'm going through the USE flags for kodi, mpv and ffmpeg, which flags are
the most important? Is there some way to run a simple movie playback
benchmark to assess the impact of changes?

Current settings;
CPU_FLAGS_X86="aes avx avx2 fma3 mmx mmxext sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2
ssse3 -3dnow -3dnowext -fma4 -xop"

ffmpeg USE: X alsa bzip2 encode gpl hardcoded-tables iconv libdrm mp3
network opengl openssl opus postproc pulseaudio sdl svg threads truetype
vaapi vorbis x264 xcb xvid zlib (-altivec) -amr -amrenc (-appkit) -bluray
-bs2b -cdio -chromaprint -chromium -codec2 -cpudetection -debug -doc -fdk
-flite -fontconfig -frei0r -fribidi -gcrypt -gme -gmp -gnutls -gsm
-iec61883 -ieee1394 -jack -jpeg2k -kvazaar -ladspa -libaom -libass -libcaca
-libilbc -libressl -librtmp -libsoxr -libv4l -libxml2 -lv2 -lzma
(-mipsdspr1) (-mipsdspr2) (-mipsfpu) (-mmal) -modplug -openal -opencl
-openh264 -oss -pic -rubberband -samba -snappy -speex -srt -ssh
-static-libs -test -theora -twolame -v4l -vdpau -vpx -wavpack -webp -x265
-zeromq -zimg -zvbi

mpv USE: X alsa cdda cli dvd egl iconv jpeg lcms libass lua luajit opengl
pulseaudio uchardet vaapi xv zlib (-aqua) -archive -bluray (-coreaudio)
-cplugins -cuda -doc -drm -dvb -gbm -jack -javascript -libcaca -libmpv
-openal -oss (-raspberry-pi) -rubberband -samba -sdl (-selinux) -test
-tools -v4l -vdpau -vulkan -wayland -zsh-completion

kodi USE: X alsa bluetooth css dbus dvd gles lcms opengl pulseaudio
(system-ffmpeg) systemd udev udisks upower vaapi xslt -airplay -bluray
-caps -cec -gbm -libressl -libusb -lirc -mariadb -mysql -nfs -samba -test
-upnp -vdpau -wayland -webserver -zeroconf

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