On Thu, 27 Jun 2019 00:47:20 +0000 (UTC), Bryant Morrow wrote:

> Aha! Thank you for that, I didn't see those bug reports in my Google
> searches. Now I know to check the bugtracking projects directly.
> I've set up a local portage repo with a modified fdm-1.9 ebuild using
> the patch given in that link, and fdm builds without issue. Thank you!

If all you need to do is apply a patch between unpack and configure, you
can drop the patch file into /etc/portage/patches/$CAT/$PKG/ and emerge
will apply it with no need for a modified ebuild. You can add the version
to $PKG to apply it to that version only.

Neil Bothwick

Obscenity is the crutch of inarticulate motherfuckers.

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