Am Mittwoch, 26. Juni 2019, 15:05:27 CEST schrieb Helmut Jarausch:
> Hi,
> what is the relationship of a virtual package and eselect.
> E.g.
> I have installed openblas but 'eselect blas list' doesn't know about
> this.
> I have even modified  virtual/blas to include openblas.

I have the feeling you're mixing ::science and ::gentoo packages.  Since
openblas is only in the ::science overlay, I presume you are using that.  The
version of virtual/blas in ::science *does* include openblas already, so you
shouldn't have needed to modify it, and you should be using eselect::science,
too.  eselect-blas is *not* enough (and I don't even have it installed).

If you want to be sure to use packages from ::science, append "::science" to
packages in your world file or set definition(s).

> How does eselect get the list of alternatives?

I don't know, sorry.

> Many thanks for a hint,
> Helmut

BTW, the thread Dale mentioned is part of an effort to get the BLAS/LAPACK
alternatives handling done properly (or at least more robustly).  The way it's
handled in the ::science overlay currently will likely not be merged into the
main portage tree.

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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