On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 01:30:48 +0200, gentoo-u...@c-14.de wrote:

> [2019-07-18 23:29] jdm <j...@jdm.myzen.co.uk>
> > Hi,
> Hi,

> > For the last 2 months I have been getting a problem where my machine
> > locks and after 2 seconds goes to a black screen. The machine is then
> > unusable, ctrl-alt-delete F1 or sys rescue keys do not work and you
> > cannot remote login.

> > I initially thought this was a problem with lxd but then experienced
> > issue when just using Enlightenment desktop. I have switched to xfce4
> > but still getting issue. 

> > It happens 2 to 3 times a week.

> > There is nothing in logs (/var/log/messages).

> > I upgraded BIOS a beginning of year so don't think it's that but have
> > just upgraded again to see if that helps.

> > Running ASUS Prime x470 Prime with ryzen 2700 and have upgraded kernel
> > to latest stable when running emerge --update...

I've been having this problem ever since I built my "new" (April 2017)
machine, Ryzen something or other on an ASUS Prime x370pro.  My machine
has been hanging, perhaps, about once a week.

> I'm not sure if it's still an issue with the 2nd gen cpus, but at least
> with the first gen's I had lockups until I disabled the c-state
> functionality in the UEFI. There was a previous thread on this list
> discussing the issue which might be interesting if you haven't read it
> yet [1].

Thanks for the tip!  I've just disabled c-state (whatever that might be)
in my UEFI BIOS, and so far my machine hasn't hung.  The test will be
whether or not it continues not to have hung over 4 - 6 weeks.

Unfortunately, the speed of the machine is ~10% slower than with c-state
enabled.  On a CPU intensive benchmark, I get these timings:

    With c-state enabled:    18.236s
    With c-state disabled:   20.052s

> [..]

> [1]: 
> https://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-user/message/1cfd9cd62796b4a41a2152a66cc1df0e

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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