On 2019-07-27 01:27, Grant Edwards wrote:

> > By the way does "rc_parallel" really makes a difference?
> <cynic-mode>
> Yes.  It guarantees that when you do have boot problems, you'll never
> be able to figure out the real problem.
> </cynic-mode>
> Having more parallel boot operations used to be one of the
> "advantages" touted by some pro-systemd people.  I always thought it
> sounded like a horrible idea and an excellent reason to stick with
> openrc.

Well, to play the anti-$DEITY advocate, you may also say that
parallelizing helps you discover bugs in the dependencies that you
otherwise never would.

I have run fedora with systemd for a while, and I was able to make the
boot wicked fast.  But it wasn't automatic, not due to systemd itself
but due to packages like NetworkManager doing incredibly wasteful
things by default.

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