On 10/22/05, karlos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
>  I have posted this a few days ago and I know its quite newbie, but I would
> like to use XChat and emerge .. :)
>  One of the symptoms is that I can't ping the gentoo servers (heanet.ie for
> example) or connect to XChat servers.
>  I have tried to put in differnent nameserver settings into /etc/resolv.conf
> (IPs that friends can use) and various different setting on the router
> (DLink 504T),
>  like  Port Forwarding and sobut with no success. What could the problem be,
> if the Router and possibliy my machine are set up correctly?
>  Any Help is VERY much appreciated!
>  Thanks,
>  Karsten

I guess you are writing here from another machine?

By 'Gentoo servers' do you mean the entries in make.conf? Can you ping
anything? Or is it just the servers you cannot get to?

If it's jsut the servers then here's the ones I'm using. They would
not be good long term solutions, but at least they work:

ftp://ftp.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/gentoo http://mirror.gentoo.gr.jp

- Mark

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