On 2019-09-15 16:21, Walter Dnes wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 09:08:24AM -0700, Ian Zimmerman wrote
> > Is this for real or is it a mistake to be reverted soon?  I do not
> > enjoy the thought of rebuilding firefox twice in a row.
>   The USE flags seem to have been around for a while.  I haven't updated
> my desktop for a few weeks (I'll do it tomorrow). "emerge -pv firefox"
> gives firefox-60.8.0 with...
> [ebuild N ] www-client/firefox-60.8.0::gentoo USE="gmp-autoupdate
> screenshot -bindist -clang -custom-cflags -custom-optimization -dbus
> -debug -eme-free -geckodriver -hardened -hwaccel -jack (-neon)
> -pulseaudio (-selinux) -startup-notification -system-harfbuzz
> -system-icu -system-jpeg -system-libevent -system-libvpx
> -system-sqlite -test -wifi"

But this is what I mean.  The _defaults_ for these flags have changed,
so now (with version 68) the default is to build with the system libs.
You'll see that too after you update.

> This might not apply to Firefox, but it probably does.  APIs change
> with versions.  By using the internal libs, you know that Firefox will
> be using the library versions it's expecting to see.

I trust the gentoo maintainers with that judgment - if it is in fact a
judgment and not a typo.

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