On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 03:26:32PM -0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
> This morning emerge is complaining that virtual/pam-0-r1 is masked and
> scheduled for removal in 14 days.  But virtual/pam is required by
> sys-apps/shadow which is part of the base profiles.
> What am I missing?

I ran the following command as root to fix this:

emerge --changed-deps y -NDuqa @world

Once you run this, virtual/pam will be removed from your system the next
time you run "emerge --depclean".

The issue is that virtual/pam is no longer in any dependencies, but it
is installed on your system. These two commands will take care of it.



> -- 
> Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! HELLO, everybody,
>                                   at               I'm a HUMAN!!
>                               gmail.com            

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