Thanks Daniel,

On Monday, 21 October 2019 15:27:18 BST wrote:
> I vaguely remember using some windows based program when archiving old
> music. The community in question had maps full of paper scores and making
> them digital would have made it much more compact and versatile. However
> even back then I remember manually writing lilypond files. I did use Linux
> at that time but wasn't aware of any OMR tools.
> Eventually I stopped visiting and the project fell out of favor due to the
> immense manual labour. Literally hundreds of sheet music ranging from single
> page meant for the artists up to the combined score for the conductor.

There have been a relatively large number of OMR projects falling in and out 
of obscurity, forked, taken over, mixed with closed source and then die.

I was looking for an OMR package in portage to scan PDF sheets of music and 
then split different voice parts out into separate midi files - but if a 
single application will do the full workflow then I would be more than happy.

> A quick search led me to audiveris. I have no experience but it might do
> what you want. It has the option to export to MusicXML. I tried to use
> Rosegarden to read a MusicXML which "worked". It did get the notes right,
> but alternated with trebble and bass lines, being a somewhat monophonic end
> result.
> Hope this helps
> Daniel

I understand there are a few apps by/for Apple, who seem to be the favourite 
OS for arty users, but I no longer have OSX running here or any applications 
for it.  There are also a number of other applications some of them for Linux 
- but I haven't found one yet in portage (TBH I wouldn't know its name off-

>From what I read here Rosegarden will not perform OMR itself, but will import 
various file formats:



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