n952162 wrote:
> I'm not seeing how doing an fsck from a live cd helps.

Generally speaking, something ends up being mounted rw and if it isn't
clean, that can cause issues that may have been fixable before to become
issues that are no longer fixable.  This is why a lot of people put a
rescue system in /boot and add it to their boot loader menu.  Sadly, my
/boot partition isn't large enough or I'd do that as well.  If you have
data you don't want to lose and no backups or only older backups, you
don't want to do anything that involves risk.  Booting something else
and fixing file system errors is the safest way. 

The bad thing about this, you won't know how serious it is until you do
something the wrong way.  It's like me the other day.  I'm susceptible
to catching infections.  My neighbor has the sniffles and is prone to
sinus infections.  I went for a visit without realizing it could be
contagious.  He ended up going to the Doctor and finding out he has
strep.  Now I'm sitting here watching for symptoms and at the ready to
go to the Doctor at the first sign.  Looking back, I should have waited
until he was no longer sick.  The other thing is, I can't turn the clock
back.  I've been exposed to something I can catch now.  I need to
remember that when he has the sniffles, treat it as a worst case
scenario until I know it isn't.  If you do the wrong thing with a file
system, you will learn about it after it is irreparable if not careful. 
Treat it as bad and you are less likely to do damage.  Treat it as if it
isn't and you could lose data if it ends up having a problem that must
be fixed first.  It's about trying to limit the risk. 


:-)  :-) 

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