On Tue, 3 Dec 2019 10:43:36 -0500, John Blinka wrote:

> > > Couldn't you just have a script that "emerge --update"s each
> > > package in sequence? If the package isn't due for update nothing
> > > will happen. And then you could follow that with an "emerge world"
> > > knowing that your hogs are already done.  
> >
> > Sometimes the packages are rebuilt without an update, especially if
> > you use --changed-use or --changed-deps, so it's not quite that
> > simple.  
> But still pretty simple.  I’ve just used the “build in sequence” idea
> for an update that forced a libreoffice rebuild.  It first upgraded a
> few of libreoffice’s dependencies in parallel, and then rebuilt
> libreoffice by itself afterwards. A subsequent emerge @world upgraded a
> bunch of minor kde stuff.  I like this idea - seems to isolate the
> “hogs” so they build one at a time, and it does so without any
> intervention on my part.  Thanks!

But if you emerge --update libreoffice before the package that is forcing
the rebuild, why would libreoffice rebuild? I would expect it to only
rebuild libreoffice after the dependency had been changed.

I'm not saying out wouldn't work some of the time, but I can see
situations where it wouldn't. Whereas 

emerge --opts @world --exclude memory-hogs...
emerge --opts --jobs 1 @world

should always isolate them.

Neil Bothwick

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