
I written an ebuild for OpenBSD’s rpki-client(8) but some things seem a
bit weird to me, or at least very hackish. (and I’m not the most
talented at this exercise and I’m a network guy, not a system one)

1. The version isn’t in the classical form x.y.z but VERSION_0_2_0, so I
hardcoded it. Is there an elegant way to fix it? The only I have in mind
is VERSION=$(echo ${PV} | sed).

2. If --prefix is used as an argument to ./configure, the script returns
a nonzero exit code, so I explicitly call it with the options and I use
DESTDIR, BINDIR and MANDIR in src_install. Is there a better way?

3. epatch doesn’t want to work in src_prepare (environement: command not
found). Is it still OK to do cd; eapply in src_unpack?

4. The OpenBSD man is in the 8th section but with my ebuild it’s in 1st.
I didn’t fin a way to change the section with doman, am I stuck with 1?
Is it the right section on a Linux system?

There is no openrc script for now, but I think that I can deal with it
at the moment. I will write one when I will be sure that my ebuild isn’t
too ugly.


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