On 12/11/19 11:39 PM, Adam Carter wrote:
Kodi has been dead for a while;
/usr/lib64/kodi/kodi-x11: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/kodi/kodi-x11: undefined symbol: _ZN3fmt2v68internal14sprintf_formatIeEEPcT_RNS1_6bufferIcEENS1_13sprintf_specsE

How do i go about troubleshooting this?

If you're not on the live ebuild, you'll probably have to mask >libfmt-6.1.0. I noticed I had build issues with the live ebuild and just masked it assuming it would eventually be fixed (which it appears to be now)

I never got around to testing if older version worked or not, so didn't report that it needs to be masked for them.

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