I have this strange issue.

I install lcdproc to drive a VFD in my HTPC case.

So I set it up and started it (it is working.)


# rc-status | grep LCDd
 LCDd                                                 [  crashed  ]

But it is actually running (and the display is working):
# ps aux | grep LCDd
nobody 9353 0.0 0.1 2616 2104 ? Ss 20:30 0:00 /usr/sbin/LCDd -c /etc/LCDd.conf

I did notice that there is nothing under /run, which is likely tripping up openrc (as in: no pid file for LCDd.)

All that is in /etc/init.d/LCDd is:
name="LCDProc (${instance})"

command_args="-c /etc/${instance}.conf"

depend() {
        use g15daemon
        use net

There is no entry in /etc/conf.d/ for LCDd, does it require one? More curiously, it refers to an instance in the init.d file but I do not know where it is pulling this information from. Does it require a symlink (thinking something like net.lo -> net.eth0 as an example)?

Hopefully someone knows what it is trying to do and can point me in the right direction.


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