Okay, I removed /etc/init.d/NetworkManager and now I have a wireless
connection after reboot.

Incidentally, in pursuing that, I proved to my satisfaction that the
output of the rc-status -a command is from /etc/runlevels with this script:

   cd /etc/runlevels
   diff -wy <(rc-status -a | sed -n -e '/^Dynamic/{=;q}' -e
   '/^Runlevel: /{s///;h}' -e '/^ /{s/ //;s/
   .*//;G;s/\(.*\)\n\(.*\)/\2\/\1/p}' | sort) <(ls */*)

On 2020-01-03 11:11, n952162 wrote:
What do I have to do to prevent NetworkManager from running?

I am running a prepared gentoo image which has openrc and NetworkManager
configured.  The wpa_gui app doesn't see my wireless (but starting the
wpa_supplicant from rc-service does).

So, I removed NetworkManager with:

    rc-update delete NetworkManager

rc-status lists it now as "inactive".  But, it runs after reboot.

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