
I use Firefox and have a issue with scripts on some sites.  I have
noscript installed and for the most part, it works.  That said, there is
times when it doesn't do what I need.  It seems, from what I can find
anyway, that you can either allow scripts or not allow scripts but can't
pick and choose.  For example.  Let's say I'm on and I need some
scripts to run but want to block other scripts.  With noscript, I either
allow all from a site or none.  What I'd like to find is a script block
tool that will list all the scripts and allow me to block some but allow
others.  Believe it or not, I use to use adblock, a much older version,
to do this.  I'd tell adblock to list all the objects, sort them by type
and then go through the scripts until I find the magic settings that
allows the site to work but not run scripts I don't want.

I've installed and tried quite a few script block tools but none of them
seem to do what I want to do.  I've even tried a few addons that only
had a very few users, just hoping it would do this.  Has anyone ever
seen a script block tool, or some other tool with a different name, that
works this way?  I need a addon that allows me to refine and be
selective on what scripts run and which ones are blocked. 

Thanks much to all.


:-)  :-) 

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