On 4/22/20 3:15 PM, Michael Jones wrote:
> Why would I need to emerge world? Portage knows the full list of
> packages that depend on openssl, transitively.
> Unless you're generalizing to say that (almost) everything depends on
> openssl, I suppose.
> Also, didn't the handbook, at one point, say not to sync portage more
> than once a day? So why would package installations happen 20 times per
> day? 

It's not that everything depends on OpenSSL, but that everything depends
on /something/. If everything is statically linked, then any update of
any package sets off a chain reaction of other packages that trigger
rebuilds of other packages that trigger rebuilds of...

If you only sync once a day, then yes, you'll only have to rebuild once
a day. I sync considerably more than that though, and besides, it takes
me about a week to emerge -e @world.

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