Looking for some guidance in managing the source of package installs/upgrades when a package is provided by both the standard repository and an overlay.

I currently have the poly-c overlay added via layman. poly-c provides many of the same packages as the standard gentoo repository.

When I install/update packages, portage appears to prefer the version provided by poly-c rather than the version provided by the gentoo repository, if the two provide the same version number of the package. Examples of this include sys-boot/grub, sys-fs/udev, and other critical packages.

I would prefer that portage prioritize gentoo's version rather than the overlay's version, unless specified otherwise (eg. sys-boot/grub::poly-c) when installing.

What's the best way to go about doing this? I could specify ::gentoo for each entry in my world file, but this seems rather heavy-handed and high maintenance. Is there a better way?

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